Seaborg confirms change of fuel type and signs Memoranda of Understanding for Fuel Salt development and production.
Seaborg took the decision earlier this year to change the fuel type for the first CMSR product line to LEU (Low-Enriched Uranium) due to the risks associated with developing a sufficient supply of High-Assay-Low-Enriched Uranium (HALEU) to meet Seaborg’s envisioned timeline.
The change from HALEU to LEU also means that the moderator technology will be changed from sodium hydroxide (NaOH) to graphite. The CMSR development will rely on the design progress already achieved as well as building on the established track record of graphite in nuclear reactor design and operation.
Seaborg’s success is based on the effective development of the CMSR with focus on safety, time to market and serial deployment. The LEU-fueled CMSR remains a thermal spectrum molten salt reactor with the related advantageous safety characteristics and fit with our novel licensing approach.
To enable the necessary commercialization of the supply chain for LEU-based fluoride fuel salt, Seaborg has been in dialogue with key players in the global fuel market, and is thrilled to announce that two Memoranda of Understanding have been recently signed.
Kepco Nuclear Fuel (KNF), GS Engineering & Construction, and Seaborg have announced a collaboration to investigate the feasibility of developing a LEU fuel salt production facility in South Korea. The three companies share the common vision of pursuing a position within fluoride fuel salt supply for the global 4th generation nuclear energy market (link to press release).
Urenco Limited and Seaborg are also pleased to announce a collaboration to develop HALEU capacity for future CMSR product lines, while also investigating LEU fuel salt possibilities for the first product line.
“We are happy to be working with such partners to develop the next generation of nuclear fuels which will help bring about Seaborg’s vision of decarbonizing the world,” said Mr. Navid Samandari (CEO, SEABORG)