The energy landscape of tomorrow
The Compact Molten Salt Reactor will complement other sustainable energy sources
The introduction of intermittent renewables into our electricity grids is causing a shift away from centralised networks based around high-emission power plants to a distributed grid of variable renewables.
For this new model to be sustainable, variable energy sources like wind and solar need to be complemented with stable sources such as nuclear energy.
Our Power Barge can produce energy where and when it is needed, supporting variable renewables on windless, cloudy days.
A versatile energy source
Providing electricity is just one of many capabilities of the CMSR
Industry applications
The Power Barge
in operation
The Power Barge will be able to deliver up to 800 MW of electricity as well as clean water from desalination, and district heating/cooling.
Additionally, the outlet temperature of the reactor is high enough to efficiently produce carbon-neutral hydrogen, synthetic fuels and fertilizers.
This means that the Power Barge can make an important contribution to the transition towards a prosperous and emission-free society.
Sustainable technology
We are designing the CMSR to be one of the most sustainable sources of energy in the world
The CMSR has excellent market fit, low upfront costs and fast deployment time. This drastically reduces financial risk and out-competes fossil fuels on free market terms.
In order to achieve a sustainable society, the world needs reliable and abundant energy sources that will function in both existing and emergent energy infrastructures.
The CMSR emits no greenhouse gases while operating and has the lowest resource use of any energy technology. ​
What about
safety and waste?
Addressing the elephant in the room
In the CMSR, the fuel is mixed into a molten fluoride salt which also acts as the coolant. This provides significant safety benefits.
If the fuel salt should ever come into contact with the atmosphere, it will simply cool down and turn into solid rock, containing all the radioactive material within itself.
Unlike conventional nuclear, our reactor will operate at near-atmospheric pressures eliminating a wide range of accident scenarios.
Upon termination of the 12-year fuel cycle, the fuel is returned to the supplier where the short-lived fission products are separated and sent to storage.
Since the fuel is chemically stable and the fission products are short-lived, this waste is radiologically similar to radioactive hospital waste and can be handled using conventional methods.
The remaining fuel salt will be mixed into new CMSR fuel at the fuel supplying facility.
In this way the challenges of long-term storage will be avoided in the future.